Title: Goddess of the Underground.

Melbourne, 2014 – 100% Spray Paint

Remaining underground as a graffiti artist since my beginning. Travelling the globe. I naturally connect and gain inspiration with the sub-culture within a subculture of painting true graffiti. Where it grew up. On trains. Without disclosing too much information about this particular culture, because that would be  . . . well, moving on. Instead I create this mural, depicting what I would relate to as; ‘The Goddess of the Underground”. If it was a religion. She is the protector, the one that saves you from drama. Symbols in the background scroll, relate to this groundbreaking art-form. This particular piece relates back to the good ol’ days. When Melbourne was run by ‘The-Met’, keeping a vintage and historical approach. Furthermore the vibrant blues match one of my desired colors. Painted circa 2014, has a deep and profound meaning as a graffiti artist.